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The symptoms of cystic fibrosis vary. Some children will have symptoms at birth, while others may not have symptoms for weeks, months, or even years. the degree of symptoms also vary, with some children showing only mild digestive and lung problems and others having severe food-absorption problems and life-threatening breathing complications.


The most common symptoms of cystic fibrosis are:

- Salty-tasting skin, which parents notice when they kiss their child

- Frequent coughing, wheezing, or bouts of pneumonia

- Difficulty breathing that keeps getting worse

- Big appetite but poor weight gain


Over time, the symptoms of cystic fibrosis can worsen and may include:

- A painful inflammation of the pancreas

- Liver disease

- Diabetes


Treatments for the cure of cystic fibrosis:

 Cystic fibrosis  has no cure. However, treatments have greatly improved in recent years.


The goals of CF treatment include:

- Preventing and controlling lung infections

- Loosening and removing thick, sticky mucus from the lungs

- Preventing or treating blockages in the intestines

- Providing enough nutrition

- Preventing dehydration


Signs & Symptoms

As you can see in this chart, the survival rate has gone up 36.9% from 1940 to 2008.

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